Color: [0, 0, 0, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: bottom Horizontal Alignment: left Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 10 Font Family: Tahoma Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Name: Surface Classification - Disposable Interest Line
Display Field: CASE_ID
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolyline
Description: Classification for surface use of land per A.S. 38.05.300. Land classification identifies the purposes for which state land can be used. Classification catagories are for multiple use, although a particular use may be primary. A parcel of land may have a combination of up to three classification catagories. This shape file characterizes the geographic representation of land parcels within the State of Alaska contained by the Surface Classification - Disposable Interest category. It has been extracted from data sets used to produce the State status plats. This data set includes cases noted on the digital status plats up to one day prior to data extraction. Each feature has an associated attribute record, including a Land Administration System (LAS) file-type and file-number which serves as an index to related LAS case-file information. Additional LAS case-file and customer information may be obtained at: Those requiring more information regarding State land records should contact the Alaska Department of Natural Resources Public Information Center directly.
Service Item Id: 899b21732447410c8b70c6220f86299b
Copyright Text: Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Description: Classification for surface use of land per A.S. 38.05.300. Land classification identifies the purposes for which state land can be used. Classification catagories are for multiple use, although a particular use may be primary. A parcel of land may have a combination of up to three classification catagories. This shape file characterizes the geographic representation of land parcels within the State of Alaska contained by the Surface Classification - Disposable Interest category. It has been extracted from data sets used to produce the State status plats. This data set includes cases noted on the digital status plats up to one day prior to data extraction. Each feature has an associated attribute record, including a Land Administration System (LAS) file-type and file-number which serves as an index to related LAS case-file information. Additional LAS case-file and customer information may be obtained at: Those requiring more information regarding State land records should contact the Alaska Department of Natural Resources Public Information Center directly.
Service Item Id: 899b21732447410c8b70c6220f86299b
Copyright Text: Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Description: Classification for surface use of land per A.S. 38.05.300. Land classification identifies the purposes for which state land can be used. Classification catagories are for multiple use, although a particular use may be primary. A parcel of land may have a combination of up to three classification catagories. This shape file characterizes the geographic representation of land parcels within the State of Alaska contained by the Surface Classification - General Land category. It has been extracted from data sets used to produce the State status plats. This data set includes cases noted on the digital status plats up to one day prior to data extraction. Each feature has an associated attribute record, including a Land Administration System (LAS) file-type and file-number which serves as an index to related LAS case-file information. Additional LAS case-file and customer information may be obtained at: Those requiring more information regarding State land records should contact the Alaska Department of Natural Resources Public Information Center directly.
Service Item Id: 899b21732447410c8b70c6220f86299b
Copyright Text: Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Description: Classification for surface use of land per A.S. 38.05.300. Land classification identifies the purposes for which state land can be used. Classification catagories are for multiple use, although a particular use may be primary. A parcel of land may have a combination of up to three classification catagories. This shape file characterizes the geographic representation of land parcels within the State of Alaska contained by the Surface Classification - General Land category. It has been extracted from data sets used to produce the State status plats. This data set includes cases noted on the digital status plats up to one day prior to data extraction. Each feature has an associated attribute record, including a Land Administration System (LAS) file-type and file-number which serves as an index to related LAS case-file information. Additional LAS case-file and customer information may be obtained at: Those requiring more information regarding State land records should contact the Alaska Department of Natural Resources Public Information Center directly.
Service Item Id: 899b21732447410c8b70c6220f86299b
Copyright Text: Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Description: Classification for surface use of land per A.S. 38.05.300. Land classification identifies the purposes for which state land can be used. Classification catagories are for multiple use, although a particular use may be primary. A parcel of land may have a combination of up to three classification catagories. This shape file characterizes the geographic representation of land parcels within the State of Alaska contained by the Surface Classification - Habitat Land category. It has been extracted from data sets used to produce the State status plats. This data set includes cases noted on the digital status plats up to one day prior to data extraction. Each feature has an associated attribute record, including a Land Administration System (LAS) file-type and file-number which serves as an index to related LAS case-file information. Additional LAS case-file and customer information may be obtained at: Those requiring more information regarding State land records should contact the Alaska Department of Natural Resources Public Information Center directly.
Service Item Id: 899b21732447410c8b70c6220f86299b
Copyright Text: Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Description: Classification for surface use of land per A.S. 38.05.300. Land classification identifies the purposes for which state land can be used. Classification catagories are for multiple use, although a particular use may be primary. A parcel of land may have a combination of up to three classification catagories. This shape file characterizes the geographic representation of land parcels within the State of Alaska contained by the Surface Classification - Habitat Land category. It has been extracted from data sets used to produce the State status plats. This data set includes cases noted on the digital status plats up to one day prior to data extraction. Each feature has an associated attribute record, including a Land Administration System (LAS) file-type and file-number which serves as an index to related LAS case-file information. Additional LAS case-file and customer information may be obtained at: Those requiring more information regarding State land records should contact the Alaska Department of Natural Resources Public Information Center directly.
Service Item Id: 899b21732447410c8b70c6220f86299b
Copyright Text: Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Description: Classification for surface use of land per A.S. 38.05.300. Land classification identifies the purposes for which state land can be used. Classification catagories are for multiple use, although a particular use may be primary. A parcel of land may have a combination of up to three classification catagories. This shape file characterizes the geographic representation of land parcels within the State of Alaska contained by the Surface Classification - Miscellaneous category. It has been extracted from data sets used to produce the State status plats. This data set includes cases noted on the digital status plats up to one day prior to data extraction. Each feature has an associated attribute record, including a Land Administration System (LAS) file-type and file-number which serves as an index to related LAS case-file information. Additional LAS case-file and customer information may be obtained at: Those requiring more information regarding State land records should contact the Alaska Department of Natural Resources Public Information Center directly.
Service Item Id: 899b21732447410c8b70c6220f86299b
Copyright Text: Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Description: Classification for surface use of land per A.S. 38.05.300. Land classification identifies the purposes for which state land can be used. Classification catagories are for multiple use, although a particular use may be primary. A parcel of land may have a combination of up to three classification catagories. This shape file characterizes the geographic representation of land parcels within the State of Alaska contained by the Surface Classification - Miscellaneous category. It has been extracted from data sets used to produce the State status plats. This data set includes cases noted on the digital status plats up to one day prior to data extraction. Each feature has an associated attribute record, including a Land Administration System (LAS) file-type and file-number which serves as an index to related LAS case-file information. Additional LAS case-file and customer information may be obtained at: Those requiring more information regarding State land records should contact the Alaska Department of Natural Resources Public Information Center directly.
Service Item Id: 899b21732447410c8b70c6220f86299b
Copyright Text: Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Description: Classification for surface use of land per A.S. 38.05.300. Land classification identifies the purposes for which state land can be used. Classification catagories are for multiple use, although a particular use may be primary. A parcel of land may have a combination of up to three classification catagories. This shape file characterizes the geographic representation of land parcels within the State of Alaska contained by the Surface Classification - Recreation Land category. It has been extracted from data sets used to produce the State status plats. This data set includes cases noted on the digital status plats up to one day prior to data extraction. Each feature has an associated attribute record, including a Land Administration System (LAS) file-type and file-number which serves as an index to related LAS case-file information. Additional LAS case-file and customer information may be obtained at: Those requiring more information regarding State land records should contact the Alaska Department of Natural Resources Public Information Center directly.
Service Item Id: 899b21732447410c8b70c6220f86299b
Copyright Text: Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Description: Classification for surface use of land per A.S. 38.05.300. Land classification identifies the purposes for which state land can be used. Classification catagories are for multiple use, although a particular use may be primary. A parcel of land may have a combination of up to three classification catagories. This shape file characterizes the geographic representation of land parcels within the State of Alaska contained by the Surface Classification - Recreation Land category. It has been extracted from data sets used to produce the State status plats. This data set includes cases noted on the digital status plats up to one day prior to data extraction. Each feature has an associated attribute record, including a Land Administration System (LAS) file-type and file-number which serves as an index to related LAS case-file information. Additional LAS case-file and customer information may be obtained at: Those requiring more information regarding State land records should contact the Alaska Department of Natural Resources Public Information Center directly.
Service Item Id: 899b21732447410c8b70c6220f86299b
Copyright Text: Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Description: The division designation of "special use lands" is for the protection of scenic, historic, archeological, scientific, biological, recreational, or other special resource values warranting additional protections or other special requirements. Special use land designations originate from an area or management plan, or are made at the director's discretion to address a certain need. Before a designation is made, however, other agencies and the public are given a chance to comment on the proposal. This shape file characterizes the geographic representation of land parcels within the State of Alaska contained by the Special Use Land category. It has been extracted from data sets used to produce the State status plats. This data set includes cases noted on the digital status plats up to one day prior to data extraction. Each feature has an associated attribute record, including a Land Administration System (LAS) file-type and file-number which serves as an index to related LAS case-file information. Additional LAS case-file and customer information may be obtained at: Those requiring more information regarding State land records should contact the Alaska Department of Natural Resources Public Information Center directly.
Service Item Id: 899b21732447410c8b70c6220f86299b
Copyright Text: Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Description: The division designation of "special use lands" is for the protection of scenic, historic, archeological, scientific, biological, recreational, or other special resource values warranting additional protections or other special requirements. Special use land designations originate from an area or management plan, or are made at the director's discretion to address a certain need. Before a designation is made, however, other agencies and the public are given a chance to comment on the proposal. This shape file characterizes the geographic representation of land parcels within the State of Alaska contained by the Special Use Land category. It has been extracted from data sets used to produce the State status plats. This data set includes cases noted on the digital status plats up to one day prior to data extraction. Each feature has an associated attribute record, including a Land Administration System (LAS) file-type and file-number which serves as an index to related LAS case-file information. Additional LAS case-file and customer information may be obtained at: Those requiring more information regarding State land records should contact the Alaska Department of Natural Resources Public Information Center directly.
Service Item Id: 899b21732447410c8b70c6220f86299b
Copyright Text: Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Description: Areas established by the Legislature for management of forest, recreational and historical purposes; to protect and preserve natural habitat for fish and/or wildlife and special restrictions not specifically tied to any of the previously mentioned purposes. This shape file characterizes the geographic representation of land parcels within the State of Alaska contained by the Legislatively Designated Area category. It has been extracted from data sets used to produce the State status plats. This data set includes cases noted on the digital status plats up to one day prior to data extraction. Each feature has an associated attribute record, including a Land Administration System (LAS) file-type and file-number which serves as an index to related LAS case-file information. Additional LAS case-file and customer information may be obtained at: Those requiring more information regarding State land records should contact the Alaska Department of Natural Resources Public Information Center directly.
Service Item Id: 899b21732447410c8b70c6220f86299b
Copyright Text: Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Description: Alaska Survey Boundary contains miscellaneous state, federal, and private surveys. This shape file characterizes the geographic representation of land parcels within the State of Alaska contained by the Base - Survey Boundary category. It has been extracted from data sets used to produce the State status plats. This data set includes cases noted on the digital status plats up to one day prior to data extraction. Each state survey feature has an associated attribute record, including a Land Administration System (LAS) file-type and file-number which serves as an index to related LAS case-file information. Additional LAS case-file and customer information may be obtained at: Those requiring more information regarding State land records should contact the Alaska Department of Natural Resources Public Information Center directly.
Service Item Id: 899b21732447410c8b70c6220f86299b
Copyright Text: Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Description: Alaska Survey Boundary contains miscellaneous state, federal, and private surveys. This shape file characterizes the geographic representation of land parcels within the State of Alaska contained by the Base - Survey Boundary category. It has been extracted from data sets used to produce the State status plats. This data set includes cases noted on the digital status plats up to one day prior to data extraction. Each state survey feature has an associated attribute record, including a Land Administration System (LAS) file-type and file-number which serves as an index to related LAS case-file information. Additional LAS case-file and customer information may be obtained at: Those requiring more information regarding State land records should contact the Alaska Department of Natural Resources Public Information Center directly.
Service Item Id: 899b21732447410c8b70c6220f86299b
Copyright Text: Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Color: [0, 0, 0, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: bottom Horizontal Alignment: left Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 10 Font Family: Tahoma Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none